Think of Rootstock as your personal chief investment officer. We immerse ourselves in every corner of your wealth picture to ensure your investments align with current and future goals. Drawing on talents and resources both inside and outside of Rootstock, we deliver complete, accurate, and timely information to help you make smart investment decisions.
Our disciplined and transparent process draws upon independent and proprietary research, integrated collaboration with your family and advisors, and solid investment insights from the most respected endowments, institutions, and independent research providers.
We build investment portfolios that are sophisticated and take full advantage of global economic conditions across all asset classes. Our approach uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to capture inefficiencies in the marketplace and to exploit the herd mentality. We generate superior risk-adjusted performance through careful design, unfailing discipline, and creative insight.
Our exclusive focus on families ensures we balance tax and fee sensitivity with the opportunity to compound performance over time.
Consistent growth across business cycles means having an investment program with a solid foundation. Our approach is customized and designed for you. Based upon your unique goals, we build several portfolios and test them using our assumptions to determine the most appropriate allocation for your family.
Rootstock uses a combination of internal and external research to craft our capital markets assumptions.
As part of the overall investment process, we’ll develop investment policy statements for each entity within your family. These statements establish a clear understanding of your investment portfolio management—including any unique preferences you might have.
At Rootstock, we search long and hard for investment opportunities. Our strategic use of resources, both internal and external, allows us to find opportunities, evaluate their appropriateness, and monitor ongoing portfolio suitability.
Our reports help you understand the performance of your investment advisors/managers by illustrating on a quarterly basis the comprehensive return profile associated with each manager. In addition to standard performance, we’ll highlight the relative peer-group performance, the tax impact of owning a manager, and the fee impact each manager has on the portfolio.